Call for papers - Workshop “Economic Analysis of Evidence Law”

Posted Mon Jan 10 2022
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Call for papers - Workshop “Economic Analysis of Evidence Law”

1st Michele Taruffo Girona Evidence Week

Organizers: Prof. Giovanni Tuzet and Prof. Diego M. Papayannis

We invite papers on topics related to the economic analysis of evidence law and evidentiary reasoning. We accept both positive and normative approaches to evidentiary issues, provided the paper shows their relevance to economic analysis. The organizers of the Workshop will select 4 papers based on their academic quality, originality and fitness with the proposed methodological approaches.

Papers shall include in the first page an abstract (250 words) and a minimum of 4 keywords. We encourage papers not longer than 10,000 words (including footnotes).

Deadline: February 21, 2022.
Please, submit your proposals to: and

Acceptance will be notified no later than March 15, 2022.

The organization does not cover registration fees or any other expenses, such as traveling or accommodation.


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