SIDE Videos

Keynote speeches
19th annual conference, December 13-15, 2023

Roundtable on Posner's book "Economic Analysis of Law"
10th award in memory of Brenno Galli
Keynote speech by Hans-Bernd Schäfer, Bucerius Law School and University of Hamburg

18th annual conference, December 14-16, 2022

Key-speech by Ugo Pagano:
"The Law and Economics of Intangibles"
2022 Prize in memory of Brenno Galli for the most promising young scholar’s paper presented at the SIDE-ISLE annual conference

Keynote speeches
17th annual conference, December 15-17, 2021

Key-speech by Philippe Aghion:
"Rethinking Capitalism Post-Covid: The Power of CreativeDestruction"
Key-speech by David Soskice (LSE)
"Legal constraints, stakeholders, associations, and/or markets?"
Keynote speech by Lee Fennell (University of Chicago Law School):
"Assembly problems, old and new"

Keynote speeches
16th annual (online) conference, December 16-18, 2020

Workshop in onore del Prof. Trimarchi
Intervengono i proff. Mario Barcellona, Francesco Denozza, Roberto Pardolesi, Francesco Parisi, Cesare Salvi, Claudio Scognamiglio e Gianroberto Villa.
Presiede: Prof. Francesco Parisi.
Coordinano: Proff. Giuseppe Bellantuono e Umberto Izzo.
Alla presenza del Prof. Pietro Trimarchi.
Keynote speech: Prof. Cristina Bicchieri (University of Pennsylvania),
"Norm nudging and social inferences".
Chairperson: Lorenzo Sacconi.
Keynote speech: Prof. Henry Hansmann (Yale Law School), "Exit, Voice, Duty, and Scope: The Evolution of Organizational Agency Costs"
Chairperson: Anna Grandori.
Symposium in honor of Oliver E. Williamson
‘Introductory Note' by Henry Hansmann
Speakers: Giuseppe Danese, Lisa Bernstein, Brad Peterson, Ugo Pagano, Antonio Nicita, Anna Grandori.
Chairperson: Lorenzo Sacconi Organozer: Anna Grandori
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